Tales of an Underpaid Scheduler: Episode 1

Tales of an Underpaid Scheduler
2 min readDec 3, 2021

Working in customer service can be a struggle and people all over are aware of that difficult people exist. Videos go viral daily of “Karens” making the world a difficult place.

Sadly, outpatient scheduling is no different. You find yourself wondering “is it a full moon?” But the answer is always the same: nope, just another day in scheduling.

On today’s episode: mammograms.

pt: Hi, I'm calling to schedule a mammogram.

me: And is it a screening or diagnostic?

pt: Yes.

me: No, which one is it. A screening mammogram or a diagnostic mammogram?

pt: I already told you, yes.

me: I don’t think you understand. There are two different kinds of mammograms and I need to know which one I am scheduling you for. Which one does your order say, screening or diagnostic?

pt: No, I don’t think you are understanding me. I already answered your question.

me: It’s not a yes or no response. I think there is some sort of disconnect. Please read to me what your order says, if it is a screening or diagnostic mammogram.

pt: Yes!

me: I’m sorry ma’am, but I cannot move forward with scheduling without that information. Please read to me what your order says.

pt: m-a-m-m-o-g-r-a-m. I already told you.


